Artist & Activist

Calvin Peeing on The Patriarchy.JPG
Sally Roesch Wagner.JPG

Select Activist Writings and Other Mischief:

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(...continued from homepage)

Fascinating note: each time I say, “vulva” as I dictate my text (I am a lazy, one finger typist), the automatic dictation function puts in "Volvo." It is bemusing and annoying to have to manually correct this interesting computer prudery. I'm reminded of a woman I met in the early 90s when I was more actively presenting rape prevention speeches, trainings and workshops across the country. I had mentioned that hundreds of boys and men had asked me for clarification after I had used the word vulva. “Isn't that a Swedish car?” many males had asked me. “That is a Volvo, not a vulva,” I would respond. I admit to smirking internally but would always answer them honestly. In their defense, few if any had ever even heard the word previously. There is no middle school or high school sex education textbook in use in the United States that includes such "controversial material.” So I would explain that the term “vulva” refers to the totality of a female’s genitalia: yes, the familiar vagina but also the labia, and that little known creature, the clitoris. The “mystery” and widespread ignorance about female genitals is taught.

In response to my discussion of male ignorance or uncaring especially about female pleasure, the woman I mentioned above who was the director of a rape crisis center and was the head of the state Coalition of rape crisis centers told me a story. Evidently it came out through casual discussion that a young woman who was interning at their rape crisis center had never heard the term “vulva,” she too, confused it with “Volvo." The young woman too had asked, “Isn't that a Swedish car?” Nor had she heard the term "clitoris." The director reported that she had told the young woman that, “Yes, a clitoris is the hood ornament on a vulva.” She then of course gave her a proper definition. It continues to be annoying that I have to turn Volvos into vulvas as I dictate because of patriarchal prudery and hypocrisy.

After hearing her story, I amended my Initial response to boys or men who subsequently asked, "Isn't that a Swedish car?” "Yes," I would respond. “and you know how men are supposed to be so weird about their cars? Well, it turns out that women are even weirder. Turns out that if you lick their cars they might be very happy with you, very appreciative.” And then, I gave them the real definition. I have always believed that radical sex education is an important part of rape prevention.

I have been approached by several women to see if I would make them a "custom" vulva from photos of themselves, their friends, or their lovers. I have done so and will do more custom orders. I also had interest from two trans women to see if I would sculpt “their" vulvas. They were not going to get "bottom surgery" and wanted my sculpted vulva as their vulvas. One woman followed up with me and sent me photos of her altar with the sculpted vulva as a centerpiece. I incorporated their personal preferences for design elements and color choices for these custom vulvas.

I am not a sports “star” or politician or televangelist so I don’t have sexual experiences with hundreds of women so as to be able to sculpt so many vulvas from memory. As a result, I have worked from images I have found in a variety of sources. The book “Portraits" by Beth B, published by Deitch Projects in 1997 has been an inspiration. The book "Petals" by Nick Karras, published by Crystal River publishing in 2003 has been inspired me as well. The Great Wall of Vagina project by Jamie McCartney has been moving as well as a practical resource for images of over 400 vulvas. The variety and range of vulvas has been mind-blowing. Yes, a few of my vulvas are based on images I downloaded from porn sites. Despite the misinformation, lies, hate in the porn system, they are an indisputable source of nude images. I like to think of my art as a small gesture towards the goal of rendering porn irrelevant.

My inspirations, both political and artistic?

Of course, Georgia O'Keeffe. No question.

Dorrie Lane, the goddess creator of the Vulva Puppets. Absolutely! I have used her Vulva Puppets since the early 90s in my rape prevention education sessions with boys and men in middle schools, high schools, fraternities, athletic teams, juvenile and adult prisons, the military, among other groups. I am reminded of the aftermath of one of my visits to a college fraternity. I used the Vulva Puppet to illustrate my discussion of female pleasure. After the workshop, I packed up and went home. A few days later I was preparing for a session with high school boys nearby and couldn't find the Vulva Puppet. Not to worry, I have collected six Vulva Puppets. I did say that I was a tad compulsive, didn't I? The dean of students at that college where I had spoken to the fraternity men called me to say that he had my payment and something else that I might be interested in. He was coming to Madison so we arranged a meeting time and place. He gave me my payment and the lost Vulva Puppet! Evidently I had left it at the fraternity house. He (the Dean) and I were extravagantly amused when he recounted that the fraternity men had brought him my Vulva Puppet saying, “That speaker left his vagina here.” And let me tell you, that had been a difficult couple of days for me without my vagina

 If you would like to see my artistic deconstructions of Barbie: